I can't believe I've been nominated for an award! But thanks to Debra Newton-Carter, and her blog, In Black and White: Cross-Cultural Genealogy, I am a nominee for this Wonderful Team Member Readership Award.
"As bloggers, we are also readers. That is a part of blogging as listening is a part of speaking.”
Members of the Geneabloggers nominate other members who have followed their blogs, leaving comments, and in general supporting their fellow bloggers.
I haven't been a member of Geneabloggers for too long, but in that short time I've learned so much from the member blogger sites I've visited. I'm excited to be part of this huge group of phenomenal researchers and writers of not only their family histories but of world history overall. Because our ancestors lived in the real world and are part of history's timeline.
I can't nominate as many Wonderful Team Member Readers as others because of my short time in this group, but below are my choices for those who have supported me and my blog the past year.
- The same person who nominated me, Debra Newton-Carter, who divulged on her blog that nowhere in the rules of this award does it say you cannot nominate your own nominator. My first visit to Debra's blog, In Black and White: Cross-Cultural Genealogy, I learned enough good stuff that I had no trouble commenting and continuing to follow up with her. Thank you again, Debra.
- Jacqi Stevens, A Family Tapestry, whose blog design caught my eye, I let her know, and she came on over to my own blog. Thanks, Jacqi.
- Kathryn Smith Lockhard, her blog Reflections, I nominate because she has followed me, and I like her blog and her quote which I've used:
"We become who we are because of those who came before."
According to the rules, I've got a whole week to nominate some more members, and I plan to do just that. Looks like I'm going to have a fun week of reading and commenting...and nominating!
I have nominated you.